
Showing posts from July, 2020

Markatasana (monkey pose)

                             Markatasana (monkey pose)                                       Mercatasan is the most effective posture for the commander. Mercut is called monkey in Hindi. Just like the monkey's waist is flexible. And there is never back pain. In the same way, those who practice this asana will never have any command. Mercatasan provides instant relief to the patient. How to do mercutasan? Method of Mercatasan: - First of all lie down on the pedestal and both feet should be folded up and the two hands should be spread in the same direction as the elephant on both sides. And take the mode of the left side of the neck, now while inhaling, bend the knees of both feet towards the right side and make sure that the heel is on the heel and the knee is on the knee, stop breathing by counting 8 to 10 and slowly exhaling both feet. Let's knee up Now, while bending the knees of both feet from the left side to the left side, inhale and spread both hands

Boat Pose (Nausakana)

   Boat Pose ( Nausakana) Naukasana exercises all over the body. Naukasana is a very effective yoga regimen to reduce belly fat and improve digestion.   How to do naukasana? Naukasana Method: - First of all, YOGA MAT or lie on your back on the pedestal, join both feet and while filling the breath, lift both hands and neck directly in front of the feet in one direction and now the body will become like a boat in this position. Or pausing 15 seconds and releasing the breath brought the feet and hands to the earth. Thus repeat this asana 2 to 3 times. Benefits / Benefits of Nauksan 1) Special beneficial in reducing abdominal fat and strengthens the abdominal muscle. 2) Beneficial in curing gas, constipation. 3) Strengthens the spinal cord by making the spinal cord flexible. 3) Help in improving digestion system. 4) Gives strength to the muscles of the shoulders and hands. 5) It is beneficial in balancing the navel. 6) Makes the lungs functioning and blo


First of all sit by laying Yoga Mat or posture.                Janushirasan  Janushirasan is a transcendent and transmitting power to the parts of the whole body. Janushirasan is helpful in relieving mental stress. Janu means kneeling and the head means to bend the head knee is known as Janushirassan.   How to do Janushirassan? Method of Janushirasan: - 1) Now move both the legs forward and straight, with the left foot folded from the knee, place the heel near the anus and keep the paw of the foot with the thigh of the right foot. Now raise both hands up, inhale slowly and while bending forward, slowly release the breath and hold the paw of the foot and attach it to the head. Now in this case, stop breathing for few seconds and while inhaling slowly, raise both hands and release the breath while lowering. Thus, Janushirassan   2) Now repeat this posture with the other leg Attach the heel to the heel by folding the right foot from the knee and keeping the th


Yogamudrasana Y ogamudrasana is an effective posture for practicing yoga. The importance of Yogamudrasana in yoga has been included in full postures. Yogamudrasana is particularly beneficial in physical and mental diseases. Doing Yogamudrasana relieves indigestion, retardation, constipation, small intestine, pressure on the large intestine. Kidney, liver, and gastric plays a vital role in illuminating the fire. How to do Yogamudrasana? Method of Yogamudrasana: - First, sit on the pedestal, apply Padmasana and take both hands near the spine and lock the fingers of both hands by holding them together and while filling the breath, slowly raise your hands and exhale, placing the chin or head on the earth for 10 to 12 seconds. Breathing slowly while raising the head, repeat this asana 2 or 3 times.   Benefits / benefits of Yogamudrasana 1) Yogamudrasana relieves constipation problem due to indigestion, retardation, constipation, small intestine and pressure on the larg

Camel pose ( ( Ushtrasan)

    Camel pose ( ( Ushtrasan) I n Uttasasana, the body is like a camel. That is why this asana is called Utsasana. The word is Sanskrit and in Hindi it is called camel. Performing this asana provides strength to the spinal cord and is an important posture of importance in making the spinal cord flexible, there is pressure in the abdomen, shoulder, neck, thigh and knees. How to do Uttasasana? Law of Camel: - First of all sit in Vajrasana by laying Yoga Mat or Dari. 1) Take a difference of half a foot between the knees while inhaling and keeping both hands at the waist.  Lean back and tilt the neck back 2) Now remove both hands from the waist and try to catch the heel of the feet without jerking the waist. 3) Slowly inhale, stop the breath for a few seconds and while exhaling slowly, keep both hands on the waist and balance the body and sit in Vapis Vajrasana, thus practice this asana 2 or 3 times. Benefits / benefits of camel 1) Strengthens the spinal c

Vascular purification pranayama (Nadishodhana pranayama),

  Vascular purification pranayama   The number of pulse in the human body is 64000 in the number of Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Out of these, 3 nadia are main. Eda, Pigla and Sushumna. These main nadis transmit the life of the whole body. Our sages say that and so many pulse resection is possible only with the nadisodhan pranayama, so the sage gives us purification of the entire body of the body by purification of pulse resection pranayama i.e. purification of the body increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. In this way, you sit and practice pulse treatment. How to do Nadisodhan Pranayama  ↓ Method of Nadisodhan Pranayama: First of all, by laying the posture in the open air, Padmasana or as you sit for a long time in such an easy manner, now check the nasal cavity, which one is breathing through the nasal cavity, the right or the left one is inhaled slowly and the nasal cavity is inhaled. Are as many as closed. Close the forearm for as long as you can inhale and stop until
Kapalbhati is a yogic act Kapala means forehead and Bhati means light or fast. Regular practice of this pranayama brings inner brilliance (glow) on the face. Kapalbhati yogic act Kapalbhati Pranayama is a yogic activity, this action is an effective medicine on this earth. To destroy all diseases. Kapalbhati Pranayama cures incurable diseases. Kapalabhati is a compounding activity of laxative. Laxative means exhaling and filling the breath and Kumbhak means stopping breathing. This pranayama only has to throw the breath out of shock. How to do Kapalbhati? Method of Kapalbhati: - Kapalbhati yogic act First of all, sit in Padmasana or Swastikasana, Sukhasana by laying blankets or carpets. Sit with the spine straight. Now breathe out in one second in one stroke. No need to breathe. Only you have to throw out the breath. Breathing comes in itself. Continue doing this activity, leave the breath out of shock. In the middle of Kapalbhati and in the end, put th
Anulom vilom pranayam Anulom Vilom Pranayama means Straight and Reverse One has to inhale through the nasal cavity and leave it from the other one, so this posture is called anulom inverse. How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama: - Method of Anulom Vilom Pranayama: - First of all, sit in Sukhasana or Padyamasana in the open air and your spine (spine should be straight, now how to do pranayama, you need to know the formula of 1 -2 -1 -1 as if it takes 4 seconds while you are breathing. You have to stop breathing for 2 times 8 seconds and when you exhale, you have to stop for 4 seconds and stop for 4 seconds, remember that only you have to stop breathing 2 times. Slowly fill the breath with the voice until it is counted to 4, and close the second tone with the forearm, stop breathing for 8 counts, and inhale from the second tone or from the nasal cavity until counting 4 and inhale until 4 (count) or counting. Stopping this action is called the formula of 1 -2 -1-1. In this w

Bhramari pranayama

           Bhramari pranayama Bhramari Pranayama is a mysterious and wonderful pranayama. Bhramari originated from Bhramari. Bhrumar i.e. bhaura In this pranayama, a sound similar to that of a bhura is produced. With this pranayama, the vibrations of sound have positive effects in the mind and brain. And the effect of this sound falls on the pineal gland. The benefits gained from the hum of 6 are from Bhramari Pranayama. Therefore, this pranayama is included in the important pranayama. How to do Bhramari Pranayama? Method of Bhramari Pranayama: - Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana, keep the spine straight and your head straight. Close your eyes breathe long and deep Close both ear holes with the index finger of both your hands in such a way that no outside sound is heard and close the mouth and make it out like a bunny and exhale slowly through the nose, thus repeating Bhramari Pranayama 7 or 8. . Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama: -   1) Increases memory power.   2)

Mandukasan (Frog pose)

                                 Mandukasan (Frog pose) In Mandukasana, the body is like a frog, so this posture is called Mandukasana. In Hindi, Mandook is called a frog. Mandukasana plays a very important role in controlling diabetes. Mandukasana strengthens the digestive system.   How to do Mandukasana? Method of Mandukasana: - Put a yoga mat or a carriage and sit in Vajrasana. Sit down in Vajrasana, then close the fist of both hands. While closing the fist, press the thumb inside with the fingers. Then put both fists on both sides of the navel, while exhaling, look in front of the chest with knees bent and stop the breath as much as possible, now slowly raise the neck by inhaling slowly, thus repeat this asana 2 to 3 times. Benefits of Mandukasana: - 1) Controls diabetes. 2) Cures constipation. 3) Jathar illuminates the fire. 4) Cures indigestion, and increases appetite. Mandukasan's caution: - If you have pain in your knees, do mandukasana un

Mayurasan) Peacock pose

(Mayurasan) Peacock pose Mayurassan is a Sanskrit word. It is called peacock in Hindi. Mayurassan is a difficult posture. But some time it becomes accessible after practice. Our yoga sages have given different names to animals in the name of birds. All those postures are in Sanskrit language. One of them is to create a peacock-like body shape like a peacock. The peacock also consumes small insects and snakes. Mayurassan helps to get the toxin out of the body. Digestion makes the digestive system strong. And all the stomach related disorders are cured. Mayurassan is also beneficial for the diabetic patient. How to do Mayurassan? Method of Mayurassan: 1) First of all, sit on your knees by laying mat or yoga mat. And sitting on your knees is called Vajrasana. 2) Keep your hands on the ground, keep the direction of your fingers towards the feet. 3) Now, while inhaling, put both the back and the cone nuclei of both hands in both the arms. 4) Place the head on th