Bhramari pranayama

           Bhramari pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama is a mysterious and wonderful pranayama. Bhramari originated from Bhramari.

Bhrumar i.e. bhaura In this pranayama, a sound similar to that of a bhura is produced. With this pranayama, the vibrations of sound have positive effects in the mind and brain. And the effect of this sound falls on the pineal gland. The benefits gained from the hum of 6 are from Bhramari Pranayama. Therefore, this pranayama is included in the important pranayama.

How to do Bhramari Pranayama?

Method of Bhramari Pranayama: -

Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana, keep the spine straight and your head straight.

Close your eyes breathe long and deep

Close both ear holes with the index finger of both your hands in such a way that no outside sound is heard and close the mouth and make it out like a bunny and exhale slowly through the nose, thus repeating Bhramari Pranayama 7 or 8. .

Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama: -

  1) Increases memory power.

  2) Relieves mental tension and gives peace to the mind.

3) Cures headache.

4) meets sleeplessness and anxiety.

5) Increases concentration of mind.

6) beneficial in calming anger


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