Kapalbhati is a yogic act

Kapala means forehead and Bhati means light or fast. Regular practice of this pranayama brings inner brilliance (glow) on the face.

Kapalbhati yogic act

Kapalbhati Pranayama is a yogic activity, this action is an effective medicine on this earth. To destroy all diseases. Kapalbhati Pranayama cures incurable diseases. Kapalabhati is a compounding activity of laxative. Laxative means exhaling and filling the breath and Kumbhak means stopping breathing. This pranayama only has to throw the breath out of shock.

How to do Kapalbhati?

Method of Kapalbhati: -

Kapalbhati yogic act

First of all, sit in Padmasana or Swastikasana, Sukhasana by laying blankets or carpets.

Sit with the spine straight. Now breathe out in one second in one stroke.

No need to breathe. Only you have to throw out the breath. Breathing comes in itself. Continue doing this activity, leave the breath out of shock. In the middle of Kapalbhati and in the end, put the tropics. Suppose you have to do Kapalbhati for 4 minutes, then after 2 minutes of Kapalabhati, you will put the tropics and after 6 minutes, you will find the tropics.

1) Moolabandha: - This process is called Moolabandha by pulling the anus and the upper part of it.

2) Uddiyabandh: - Breathing out and pulling the stomach inward is called Uddiyabandha.

3) Jalandharbandh: - The chin is pushed along with the gland root. This is called Jalandharbandh.

While doing Kapalabhati, feel such that my body is thrown out of the air with all the toxic substances and bad smells. Kapalabhati Pranayama is done in this way, you should start for 1 or 2 minutes. The practice of Kapalabhati can be gradually increased. 2 minutes to 25 minutes or 30 minutes can increase the practice.

Benefits of Kapalbhati: -

1) On the face there is a sharp and ooze.

2) Whole body cleansing occurs.

3) The amount of oxygen in the blood increases.

4) Teeth become strong.

5) Relieves chronic constipation and headache.

6) All the stomach related disorders go away.

7) Skin diseases occur due to blood contamination, but purification of blood by the use of cranial activity is helpful in curing all types of skin diseases and allergies.

8) Tridosha balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

9) Enhances positive thoughts.

10) Age increases.

11) Profitable in the problem of sleeplessness.

12) Kapalbhati action is very effective in reducing sugar.

Precautions of Kapalbhati yogic action

For those who have high blood pressure, do not hurry like a normal person, while exhaling once in 2 or 3 seconds while exhaling.

Do not practice kapalbhati if you are weak.

Kapalbhati should not be done after the operation of the stomach.


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