Anulom vilom pranayam

Anulom Vilom Pranayama means Straight and Reverse
One has to inhale through the nasal cavity and leave it from the other one, so this posture is called anulom inverse.

How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama: -

Method of Anulom Vilom Pranayama: -

First of all, sit in Sukhasana or Padyamasana in the open air and your spine (spine should be straight, now how to do pranayama, you need to know the formula of 1 -2 -1 -1 as if it takes 4 seconds while you are breathing. You have to stop breathing for 2 times 8 seconds and when you exhale, you have to stop for 4 seconds and stop for 4 seconds, remember that only you have to stop breathing 2 times. Slowly fill the breath with the voice until it is counted to 4, and close the second tone with the forearm, stop breathing for 8 counts, and inhale from the second tone or from the nasal cavity until counting 4 and inhale until 4 (count) or counting. Stopping this action is called the formula of 1 -2 -1-1. In this way, do the opposite of pranayama.

Benefits / benefits of Anulom Vilom Pranayama: -

 1) This pranayama works to clear all types of nervous pain.

2)  Equals Tridosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha)

3) Beneficial in lowering body temperature

4) Cures all types of allergies

5) Age becomes longer due to prolonged breathing.

6) Mind gets peace by reducing thoughts of mind

7) Is helpful for meditation

8) Small openings of lungs are opened and increases the efficiency of lungs.

10) Increases amount of oxygen in blood

Enhances memory

11) Cures headache, cold, and sinus problems

12) It works on the body's unnecessary fat.

13) Anulom inverse pranayam has been very beneficial for paralysis patients.

 Precautions of Anulom Vilom Pranayama: -

Do Anulom Antonyms Pranayama only after 3 hours of eating


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